Extreme Hazards Are When Seconds Count.
HazardCall is not free, but is provided as a service from your community management team. If something is free, you get exactly what you paid for when dangerous weather is approaching.
"Wireless Emergency Alerts", or WEA, as they are called, are meant to be a 'bell-ringer' for a large area not a location specific alert. The message is telling you to seek “CHECK MEDIA” which always takes precious time.
We will only make your phone ring when the National Weather Service decides your life is in danger. All other alerts will arrive via text message and/or email alone. If you are asleep, and a tornado is bearing down on you, you NEED to be awakened by a phone call.
HazardCall is designed to work with any type of phone. When you were added to the service by the office, the phone number in your record was added. Those with abilities to receive a text message will receive text messages, and those with email addresses will also receive emails. But if all you have is a landline phone, you will still receive phone calls for life threatening notifications.
Let us start with this simple premise. If a strong to violent EF3-EF5 tornado is bearing down on you, there are no assurances of safety or survivability unless you are below ground or in a concrete and steel reinforced building designed for tornadic winds. This would be considered the "Best Possible Shelter". This includes for all manufactured as well as stick-built homes. Your safety is only assured by your getting out of the wind and debris path. We also know that there is no way to know a tornado's strength when a warning is issued. We suggest you treat sheltering for every tornado warning the same.
In reality, most people do not have access to "Best Possible Shelter", but the best of what is available. When you feel threatened by dangerous weather, while there are historic rules of 'do's and don'ts', many may not apply to your specific situation. For some, sheltering in your existing manufactured home may be the best option you have at the time. For others who do not feel safe there, it may be in a large vehicle outside, and for others, it could be to get in your vehicle and drive away from the threat. Some communities in some states in the US have designated community shelters established such as schools or fire stations, while most have none.
Only YOU can decide what is the safest for you, but this is not something to suddenly decide during an emergency. Plan ahead as to what your best options are so you know WHERE to go. HazardCall will let you know WHEN to go.